Citrix Published applications missing from Receiver

 After login to receiver, cannot see (do Not appear) any published applications in Citrix receiver. Found following errors on XenApp server event log.
Log Name:      Citrix Delivery Services
Source:        Citrix Store Service
Event ID:      4003
Task Category: (12346)
Level:         Error
All the Citrix XML Services configured for farm Controller failed to respond to this XML Service transaction.


I had this (missing published applications from Citrix receiver) issue because xml port is not matching on Storefront and XenApp servers. To verify xml port number on Storefront server (store)
·         login to Storefront server
·         Navigate to Stores
·         select store name and click on Manage Delivery Controllers-
·         Then you can see port number.
Refer to the following screenshot.
In the following screenshot, it's 8080. It should match with XenApp configuration. You can setup xml port on Citrix unfiltered policy. Please refer to this article for instructions on how to setup XML port number through Citrix policies.

After configuring above steps, sometime re-registering xml server with specific port number helps.
To re-register xml port, perform the following steps from XenApp Server.
·         Stop Citrix xml service on XenApp server
·         Open command prompt with Administrative privileges and run the following commands.
C:\Windows\system32>ctxxmlss /u
C:\Windows\system32>ctxxmlss /r8080
Citrix XML Service: The service is now registered on port number 8080.
·         Then start Citrix xml service and restart Citrix Independent Management Architecture (IMA) service.

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