
How to reboot Netscaler?

This article explains the steps to restart NetScaler virtual or physical appliance. Again if you are an experienced NetScaler administrator, it is an easy task. These instructions are documented for beginners.

There are two ways to reboot NetScaler, one is from Console and another from the browser by connecting with NetScaler management IP address.
 If you are not sure how to get NetScaler IP details, refer to this post.

Steps are as follows.

To Reboot NetScaler VPX appliance / physical appliance (MPX) from the virtual console:


-          Login to your VMware/ Citrix Hypervisor management tool ( vSphere or Xen client) and access Netscaler console or if it’s Physical appliance, access physical console from Data Center
-          When you access the Netscaler console, most probably you see the login screen. Enter credentials and login to the Netscaler ( Note : Netscaler Default credentials( password) : nsroot/nsroot)
-          Then console will wait at >
-           Type shell to go to shell command prompt
-          Then console will wait at root@NS#
       Execute save ns config command to ensure that any unsaved configuration since last configurations are saved
-          Execute reboot [-warm] command to reboot Netscaler VPX from the command prompt. This command reboots/ restarts only NetScaler Service, not Operating system of NetScaler which is not required. If you want a hard shutdown of the system, use "reboot" this is not recommended.
-          If you want to shut down the Netscaler and power off the appliance, execute shutdown –p now command from the command prompt

 To Reboot Netscaler VPX appliance/ physical appliance (MPX) from Browser

-          Login to Netscaler from Browser (Like IE, Firefox..) using management IP
-          Once you login, navigate to System - reboot

Netscaler VPX 10 / appliance Reboot

-          Then you select optional component “Warm reboot” and click OK.

Warm reboot means restarting the NetScaler without requiring a system shutdown or graceful shutdown

Netscaler VPX/ appliance Reboot
-          It will reboot your NetScaler appliance

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