
ESXi host connectivity issue from vSphere client

The vSphere Client could not connect to x.x.xx. The server x.x.x.x took too long to respond. (The command has timed out as the remote server is taking too long to respond.)

I had above error while connecting Vmware ESXi 5 from vSphere client. I tried by restarting management agents with the following commands on ESXi hosts but didn’t resolve the issue. I assume restarting host also doesn’t resolve this problem.
/etc/init.d/hostd restart
/etc/init.d/vpxa restart

Finally tried executing following command and it resolve the issue. I was able to connect to ESXi host through vSphere client. restart restart does not impact any of the running Virtual machines on ESXi host

~ # restart
Running xorg stop
Running wsman stop
Stopping openwsmand
Openwsmand is not running.
Running sfcbd stop
This operation is not supported.
Please use /etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog stop
Running snmpd stop
root: snmpd is not running.
Running sfcbd-watchdog stop
sh: bad number
sh: you need to specify whom to kill
Running vpxa stop
watchdog-vpxa: Terminating watchdog process with PID 9515
vpxa stopped.
Running vobd stop
watchdog-vobd: Terminating watchdog process with PID 8643
vobd stopped
Running dcbd stop
watchdog-dcbd: Terminating watchdog process with PID 9468
Running smartd stop
watchdog-smartd: Terminating watchdog process with PID 9433
smartd stopped
Running lacp stop
watchdog-net-lacp: Terminating watchdog process with PID 9390
Running memscrubd stop
memscrubd is not running
Running cdp stop
watchdog-cdp: Terminating watchdog process with PID 9296
Running slpd stop
Stopping slpd
Running hostd stop
watchdog-hostd: Terminating watchdog process with PID 9194
hostd stopped.
Running sensord stop
sensord is not running
Running storageRM stop
watchdog-storageRM: Terminating watchdog process with PID 9123
storageRM stopped
Running rhttpproxy stop
watchdog-rhttpproxy: Terminating watchdog process with PID 9085
rhttpproxy stopped.
Running lbtd stop
watchdog-net-lbt: Terminating watchdog process with PID 9050
net-lbt stopped
Running usbarbitrator stop
watchdog-usbarbitrator: Terminating watchdog process with PID 9014
usbarbitrator stopped
Running SSH stop
SSH login disabled
VobUserLib_Init failed with -1
Connect to localhost failed: Connection failure
Invalid operation requested: This ruleset is required and connot be disabled
Running DCUI stop
Disabling DCUI logins
VobUserLib_Init failed with -1
Running lwiod stop
Stopping Likewise IO Manager Service...ok
Running netlogond stop
Stopping Likewise Site Affinity Service...ok
Running lsassd stop
Stopping Likewise Identity and Authentication Service...ok
Running ntpd stop
Stopping ntpd
Connect to localhost failed: Connection failure
Running ntpd restart
Connect to localhost failed: Connection failure
Starting ntpd
Running lsassd restart
Starting Likewise Identity and Authentication Servicetouch: /var/lock/subsys/lsa                                                                                                                     ssd: No such file or directory
Running netlogond restart
Starting Likewise Site Affinity Servicetouch: /var/lock/subsys/netlogond: No suc                                                                                                                     h file or directory
Running lwiod restart
Starting Likewise IO Manager Servicetouch: /var/lock/subsys/lwiod: No such file                                                                                                                      or directory
Running DCUI restart
Enabling DCUI login: runlevel =
VobUserLib_Init failed with -1
Running SSH restart
Connect to localhost failed: Connection failure
SSH login enabled
VobUserLib_Init failed with -1
Running usbarbitrator restart
usbarbitrator started
Running lbtd restart
net-lbt started
Running rhttpproxy restart
rhttpproxy started.
Running storageRM restart
storageRM started
Running sensord restart
sensord started
Running hostd restart
hostd started.
Running slpd restart
Starting slpd
Running cdp restart
cdp started
Running memscrubd restart
The checkPages boot option is FALSE, hence memscrubd could not be started.
Running lacp restart
lacp started
Running smartd restart
smartd started
Running dcbd restart
dcbd started
Running vobd restart
vobd started
Running vpxa restart
Connect to localhost failed: Connection failure
Running sfcbd-watchdog restart
Connect to localhost failed: Connection failure
Connect to localhost failed: Connection failure
Running snmpd restart
root: snmpd has not been enabled.
Running sfcbd restart
This operation is not supported.
Please use /etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog start
Running wsman restart
Starting openwsmand
Running xorg restart
~ #

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  1. I know this is from a very long time ago. But we recently got this after an upgrade from 4.1 to 5.5 on ESXi:

    Connect to localhost failed: Connection failure

    Turns out, our /etc/hosts on the ESXi system had ::1 localhost on top of localhost, and after fixing this and rebooting, all was well.

    1. what is your suggestion to me ? i have same problem , i got this after a Power outage

  2. I got this after a power outage, what should i do now ? i can not reset host because I dont have backup form my vm machine and I dont know what will happen if i reset the host.
    Thank you

  3. Finally tried executing following command and it resolve the issue. I was able to connect to ESXi host through vSphere client. restart restart does not impact any of the running Virtual machines on ESXi host

    1. this command did not work for this issue and still same error message
