
Citrix Receiver error


After login to Citrix Receiver 4.1 and click on Refresh applications option, you see following error message.
Your apps are not available at this time. Please try again in a few minutes or contact helpdesk with this information. Cannot contact <Storefront Store name>

Scenario:  While deploying new XenApp  6.5, Storefront 2.1 and Citrix Receiver 4.1 with no certificates( HTTP) for all communication( It’s not recommended to use HTTP but I had a reason to use)  I had above error when I try to click on Refresh Applications which is next to login details on top right side of the receiver.  In addition to receiver doesn’t enumerate any applications. 

I checked various things but finally following fix the resolved issue. MAKE SURE THAT YOU TEST THIS FIX ON CLEAN MACHINE (The one which never had receiver). I tested with reinstall on a machine but didn’t fix issue and I was going crazy J by troubleshooting/ investigating all XenApp components.

-          Pick the clean machine/ VM
-          Install receiver with CitrixReceiver /IncludeSSON  ( I had SSO component)
-          After installation of Citrix Receiver, add/ edit following registry keys.
o   Open Registry ( Regedit)
o   For 32-bit - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\AuthManager
o   For 64-bit - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Citrix\AuthManager
o   Create a new String value I.e.  ConnectionSecurityMode with value to Any
o   Then go to
o   For 32-bit - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\Dazzle
o   For 64-bit - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Citrix\DazzleB
o   Change the String value AllowAddStore and AllowSavePwd to A
-          Then make sure that you kill receiver and re-open to test

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  1. Helped a lot. Thank you.

  2. Thank you. This fixed my issue.

  3. Man! I can't thank you enough!!! I've been trying to solve this for days. Google suggested several websites, but none of the suggested solutions there didn't help. But today i landed here and now it works. I just created the keys though; I didn't need a clean machine... Many many many thanks! :)

    1. I am glad that above solution helped you. I understand how painful it it to troubleshoot this kind of issues.

